"Senator Schumer, what do you have to say about Yeshiva University stipulating to fraud in (Lidya Radin) my case ? "
**Lydia Rayden a victim of the Southern District of New York has been fighting for Justice - her American Rights for years, this tape confirms Senator Schumer is ignoring his Oath of Office to protect the American citizens - when an Elected official does this he commits TREASON on the United States of America.
The following is Lydia's own words on what is going on:
Schumer said I was disrupting Congress while Congress was in session, and here we are at the lunch break....what a liar.
Ms. Lake, where's all the paperwork that the Department of Justice is supposed to give Me about this incident, because U.S. Senator Charles Schumer threatened Me without cause ?
Where's all the paperwork from, then, U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch and from Antoinette Woolridge going back to 2011 in the Eastern district of New York about Yeshiva University stipulating to fraud against Me and taxpayers?
Where are the affidavits ?
Where's all the paperwork I gave to U.S. Senator Schumer's office going back to 2009?
I got death threats in the Eastern district of New York. Where are all my complaints about the death threats against Me and the fact that the police refused to protect my life ? Where is all that paperwork from, then, U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch and how, then, U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch colluded and conspired in the violation of my civil rights ?
Where's all the paperwork from the face-to-face meeting I had with U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch about a year later on January 18, 2016, ten days before I was physically assaulted and almost murdered by private contract security guard Frank Pena at the courthouse located at 500 Pearl Street ? Where's all the paperwork from the face-to-face meeting I had with Dr. King, Jr. on January 18, 2016, after I met with Loretta Lynch ?
This email is copied to federal district Judge Carter. I can report misprision of a felony, 18 USC section 4, to any judge. I am reporting this cover-up to Judge Carter. If Judge Carter's staff does not immediately give this email to Judge Carter, then, I will make another civil rights complaint against Judge Carter's staff in addition to taking other appropriate action against Judge Carter's staff for trying to deceive Judge Carter and hurting Me in the process.