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Those that are stealing from Janice Wolk Grenadier is:
Divorce Lawyer Ilona Grenadier Heckman,
Erika Lewis wife of Timberlake Lewis,
David Grenadier - combined value today of around $20 Million dollars.
They have been able to get away with it by the Judges in the Circuit Courts of Virginia, the Federal Courts of Virginia & DC.
This puts together several known facts – through the life of Janice Wolk Grenadier and different News articles and book facts from “Bullied to Death” the Chris Mackney story, Edited and Published by FamilyCourt.com, INC attorney Michelle MacDonald, written by: Mike Volpe. That the obvious is being covered up by the FBI, the Judiciary, the Government and Elected Officials who are using there personal “POWER and FINANCIAL POWER” to illuminate those that they find annoying or whom may get in there way through Murder for Hire or Questionable Suicides that when put together it shows a pattern and practice of the “Old Boys Network” in the State of Virginia.
Pete Scamardo in 1968 hired a hit man Charles Harrelson to kill his child hood friend Sam Delegia Jr, which brings the question was the idea of how to get rid of your spouse / or other brought to the Old Boys Network in the 70’s by Pete Scamardo as the hits known begain in or around 1984 with Dr. Rixsey. That by the 1990’s in two Commercial / Land Development Association known Nationwide with headquarters in the City of Alexandria Pete Scamardo was President, Chairman on the boards as an active citizen – hiding his true idenity and past criminal history from the locals. This started to unravel, to be exposed through the divorce of his daughter to Chris Mackney who would take his own life in December of 2013 from the bullying of Pete Scamardo, his attorneys whom he paid hansomly and Judge Bellows who today is the Judge for Charles Severance. That Judge Bellows by all apperance in the news and record has disallowed any negative information or truth on the spouses / third parties or issues the victims may have been having with others prior to opening their front doors in the City of Alexandria and being MURDERED.
That where Janice Wolk Grenadier live’s in a circle around Janice there have been 5 known hits – Dr. Rixsey, John Doe, Nancy Dunning ( which you will read came to Janice’s home twice to check on Janice, now believed Nancy knew more and was from what Nancy said afraid of what could happen and maybe knew what was going to happen to her) Ron Kirby and Ruth Ann Lodato. That all five have strong connections to the Old Boys Network.
July 1. 1984 Who shot Dr. Robert Rixse. We know who hired the killer – the boyfriend of his x-wife. But what is the evidence of who shot him? Did the bullets that killed Dr. Rixse in 1984 match the bullets of Nancy Dunning and others? Where they tested? The story the police released was the murderer with no evidence was a man floating in the Potomac dead whom had Mafia ties. Easy for the City of Alexandria police and the FBI as they consider this murder solved.
We then have unknown date and name of John Doe we will call him who opened his door in the City of Alexandria, also connected to the Old Boys Network and Murdered, whom has received no real press that can be found.
Then on or around September 3rd of 1997 that on an unexpected cab ride to the airport as Janice’s x-husband David Grenadier (son of the late Judge Albert Grenadier and step-son of Divorce Lawyer Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman of Greanadier Anderson Starace Duffett and Kieser) as he was suppose to take Janice to the airport and was late, Janice was outside waiting and not in her home. Janice’s x-hsuband as Janice had called him to find out where he was – started yelling at her and saying a cab was on the way. Janice can persume now his disappointment the money it appears he and Ilona spent to have Janice killed has come back to haunt them. When Janice got in the cab and the driver could hear David yelling he said to Janice hang up the phone, hang up the phone if you don’t hang up the phone I will pull over and hang it up for you. Janice hung up the phone, the driver than said we can take care of that for $5,000.00 – you don’t have it – then $2,000 we can work it out. Janice was handed a phone number, Janice tossed it in the trash can thinking it had been a set up – Janice now believes with out question it was to be a hit and today she was to be dead. Janice has never been questioned by the City of Alexandria Police or the FBI even though she has reached out several times with her information. That in February / March of 1998 Nancy Dunning who would open her front door in 2003 came to Janice on different occations to check on her safty. The question know arrises was she aware of the outcome that was meant for Janice in September of 1997.
November 1997 That Lawyer Ilona in collusion with David Grenadier, Andrea Grenadier, Robin Grenadier passed a rumor around that caused David Grenadier to pull a gun in the home with Janice’s girls in the home.
February 2003 the Suicide of Megan Owen Barry wife of Fairfax County Sheriff Stan G. Barry – The Washington Post reported that at 12:30 am Sheriff Barry had stepped out and when he came back his wife had committed suicide. The Blue Wall calls this a Murder, but of course no investigation.
December 2003 the Murder of Nancy Dunning wife of City of Alexandria Sheriff James Dunning – never questioned “oops” say the Police when Dunning dies in South Carolina a few days after Janice Wolk Grenadier goes on the radio and questions the investigation or lack of investigation into the Murder.
March of 2011 – City of Alexandria police, Fire and Ambulance come to the home of Janice Wolk Grenadier while she is on travel – she is supposedly “DEAD” in the home? There is no record of this in the City of Alexandria. Two neighbors have confirmed this with Janice and the one who convinced the police to not hack down her door but to allow him to open it with the key he had. It was not till June of 2011 when Janice’s neighbor shared this with her she became aware of it. When researched there is no record yet two other neighbors have confirmed this.
November of 2013 the Murder of Ron Kirby
December of 2013 – Ilona Grenadier Heckman and Presidential Candidate Loretta Lax Miller do a “HATE OF CATHOLICS, CHRISTIONS et al” Blog – jwgrenadierisalair.blogspot.com taken down while Janice is in jail.
February 18, 2014 - FBI cautions residents of public corruption in Va. -
http://www.wusa9.com/story/news/local/2014/02/18/fbi-cautions-residents-of-public-corruption-in-northern-virginia/5585877/ WASHINGTON (WUSA) -- The Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Washington Field Office is looking to identify any public corruption occurring in Northern Virginia. The FBI says public corruption can occur "when a public official, at any level of government – local, state or federal – does any official act in exchange for money, or other free goods or services, for private gain. Public corruption could also include public employees who take something of value for their own personal gain, thereby violating the public's trust." The FBI says many of their investigations into public corruption start once they receive a tip from someone. If you want to help identify potential criminal activity, the Washington Field Office has set up a Northern Virginia Public Corruption Hotline at 703-686-6225 and you can also e-mail them at NOVAPC@ic.fbi.gov.
Some of the examples of corruption include:
⦁ Government officials such as DMV employees, city inspectors, taxing or zoning assessors or other regulatory agency employees, or even town councils or mayors;
⦁ Contracting officials at all levels, including those who manage government contracts or regulatory permits; or, school resource officers who manage school accounts;
⦁ Local officials colluding with real estate investors to rig the bidding process at foreclosure auctions;
⦁ A person representing the judicial branch - a judge, member of the jury or court personnel; or,
⦁ A person representing law enforcement, who steals drugs from criminals, embezzles government funds, falsifies records or smuggles contraband
February 2014 the Murder of Ruth Ann Lodato daughter of Judge Giammittorio & sister to Judge Bob Giammittorio
October 9, 2015:
October 11, 2014 – Breaking news Senator Mark Warner and aid to Governor Terry McAuliffe guilty and admit to offering a Federal Judgeship to daughter of Phil Puckett
October 14, 2014 – Janice exposes on Blog VaLaw2010.blogspot.com information of corruption by Senator Warner
October 22, 2014 – November 12, 2014 – 22 days Janice illegally jailed and tortured in the City of Alexandria, Solitaire Confinement till 5pm on Election day Tuesday, November 4, 2014. Jailed to: 1. Silence her and stop exposure of e-mails between herself and Mark Warner’s office on the corruption in the Judiciary. 2. To Bully / scare her into either committing Suicide or to turning the other check of the corruption and not holding Virginia and the Federal Judiciary, Government and Elected Officials accountable, as well as the criminal acts and actions of the Old Boys Network in Virginia
December 19, 2014 Letter exposed that Michael Gardner was looking for someone to hire to Murder young girls he had molested and found guilty with DNA – yet let out of jail by Chief Justice Cynthia Kinser.
December 31, 2014 Chief Justice Cynthia Kinser with no explanation to retire early (January 31, 2022 – expiration of her appointment) The Appeals Court of the State of Virginia had denied Michael Gardner’s appeal / release – Cynthia Kinser let him out of jail by all appearance for the Old Boys Network, to hire a hit man to kill the young women he had molested prior to his re-trail. She will receive her pension and perks for cooperating and doing the bidding of the Old Boys Network for all her years.
January 23, 2015 - The Virginia Republican Party wants the U.S. Senate to investigate whether Democratic Sen. Mark Warner violated federal law when he discussed possible job opportunities for a former state senator’s daughter. GOP Party Chairman Pat Mullins sent a letter Friday to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics asking it to investigate Warner. He was part of a group of Democrats that tried unsuccessfully to prevent former state Sen. Phil Puckett from resigning last summer. Puckett’s resignation gave Republicans control of the state Senate. Warner has acknowledged he “brainstormed” with Puckett’s son about possible job opportunities for Puckett’s daughter but did not make any explicit job offers. Federal prosecutors indicated in December their investigation into Puckett’s resignation was closed, they would Ignore the criminal actions. That Janice Wolk Grenadier has followed up with a complaint to the Ethics Committee by all appearance along with the Judiciary are ignoring these facts, Murder / Suicides et al.
August 31, 2015 Janice Intervenes in the Charles Severance Case
September 2015 Judge Bellows “ORDER” Denies Janice Intervene with no hearing, and Orders Clerks to take no other filings by Janice
September 2015 Janice Intervenes in the Michael Gardner case – Michael Gardner takes a plea. The Old Boys Network cannot afford two Murder for Hire case’s going at the same time. The question should be for all – What is the back room deal the Old Boys Network made with Michael Gardner for the plea and his silence.
On or around October 3, 2015 we come full circle Charles Severance will be tried for the Murders of Nancy Dunning, Ron Kirby and Ruth Ann Lodato with a police office having told Janice they had no real evidence that supports him doing it, that the City of Alexandria was in the process of creating the needed evidence to support a conviction. That Judge Bellows who assisted Pete Scamado’s Murder / Suicide of Chris Mackney will preside over the Charles Severance trial. That Judge Bellows understands and will disallow evidence that may find Charles Severance innocent is without question, he has shown this in his pre-trial Orders. That Judge Bellows brings a Bias in support of Murder / Suicide into the courtroom cannot be denied after reading “Bullied to Death”. That Judge Bellows is no different than the Judge’s that have ruled in Bias, Retribution, Retaliation with the knowledgeable intend to ignore the law and to protect the criminal acts of David Grenadier and Ilona Ely Grenadier Heckman are obvious in all documents and Orders filed in the courts. That Chris Mackney, Charles Severance and Janice Wolk Grenadier and MANY OTHERS have in common is the Old Boys Network has made it there mission to kill or ruin there lives to protect one of there owns criminal actions.
No doubt the Murderer needs to be stopped, yet the person who paid him to kill the above should be held accountable – No one will out the Murderer for hire – because for free he will take that person out. It is the belief of Janice he does not kill if he has met you – and talked to you – He kills anonymous only, because if he didn’t Janice believes he would have killed her by now, but, that she has met him and he has spared her, as Mark Stuart did.
The “Old Boys Network” is an evil Gang of men and few women with no sole. They consist of the POWERFUL and WEALTHY of the Judiciary, the Government and Elected Officials in Virginia and the District of Columbia. They believe they are above the law, and the truth supposedly your best defense does not exist around them, that they are no more then a bunch of low life bully’s with money, and no class. The leaders in this “Gang” are Judge Donald Haddock and Judge Donald Kent at least in the case of Janice Wolk Grenadier. In the case of Chris Mackney it was Judge Bellows, who has now overlapped into Janice’s with the cover up of the hits and the trial of Charles Severance. That the following law firms have dirty hands in collusion of these actors: Grenadier Anderson Starace Duffett and Kieser, Keller Heckman, DiMuroGinsberg, Troutman Sanders aka Mays & Valentine, BWW Law Group aka Bierman Geesling Ward and Wood, Parker Simon & Kokolis LLC, and other’s that are known and unknown.
Virginia Rated 47th and 49th in Corruption - Daily Beast rated Virginia second most Corrupt State - http://www.loudountimes.com/index.php/news/article/region_survey_finds_virginia_second_most_corrupt_state987/ - State Integrity Gave them an F - 47th most corrupt States - http://www.stateintegrity.org/virginia That Janice is not alone the corruption and lack of over site or Due Process in the courts in Virginia, the Federal Courts of DC and Virginia is and are a disgrace.
Yet to date October 3, 2015 Janice has not been interviewed by the FBI in regard to the information in this article even with her many phone calls to them – for help to protect herself and her girls.